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With Emily



Certified by Medicine Frog Kambo

Kambo Practitioner Training done in the Amazon Jungle with Deyan Gajic of Kambo Naturista 


“ Emily brings this powerful medicine and the wisdom of her healing journey with passion and purpose. What a privilege to learn from Emily and be supported along my healing journey as Kambo healed my knee, eradicated Lyme disease and deepened my spiritual connection to nature and self.“

Ryan H


“Every time I sit with Emily it is the most special healing experience and life just flows more naturally. From the ethereal space she creates to the loving and sacred energy she puts into every ceremony, she truly is a divine goddess in service to Kambo. I am eternally grateful to Emily and the Kambo spirit and medicine for this healing modality and harmonious approach to achieving a higher and healthier self.”

Krystal T



The Sacred Frog Cleanse

KAMBO is the name given to a frog from the Amazon Jungle, the secretion produced by that frog and the therapy in which it’s secretion is used for it’s cleansing and healing abilities.

The frog is the Phyllomedusa Bicolor (scientific name) or the Giant Waxy Monkey Tree frog.

They live in the Amazon Jungle, especially near the borders of Peru and Brazil, around still water ponds up in the trees.

They produce a poisonous secretion that is used by the frog for protection from predators and to fight off bacteria and microbes.

That secretion is harvested by scraping the frog's skin and transferring it to a wooden stick. It is then dried and can be used when rehydrated. 

Kambo has been used traditionally by the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon for many moons. 

Particularly but not limited to the Matses, Katukina and Yawanawa tribes of Peru and Brazil. 

My Experience and Training

My work with Kambo began in 2019. I had never experienced anything quite as profound or healing in my whole life and I KNEW I needed to work more deeply with this incredibly intelligent sacrament from the start. I decided to keep doing my own inner work with the sacrament for a few years before I’d go to meet the frog and train with the same teacher who taught my best friend that had introduced me to Kambo. I sat many times during those couple of years with the intention of healing myself from liver disease and clear out hardcore toxins/residuals from years of drug abuse and unhealthy lifestyle. I did! I helped other practitioners as they applied Kambo to their clients and observed a lot of sessions. I still sit regularly. 

Fast forward to 2021. I trained in the Amazon Jungle of Peru under Deyan Gajic and his assistant, Gera, at Kambo Naturista in June. I completed a 22 day training, undergoing 15 applications to myself, while applying also to others. 8 of those days were in isolation dieta where I isolated, stayed quiet and focused on building a deep, lifelong connection with the Kambo Spirit and frog. 

I later completed a Lyme and Autoimmune Specialty Kambo training course with Medicine Frog Kambo.

I am SO honored to carry this sacred sacrament and intend to always do so safely, with integrity and respect for the frog, the indigenous and ancestor who came before us, myself and my clients. 



The poisonous secretion is “a fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequalled by any other amphibian” made up of peptides that work in the human body to stimulate cleansing of toxins and build up. (Vittorio Erspamer- whom is well known for discovering Serotonin) 

“Kambo unlike many other natural and pharmaceutical substances, has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier enabling it to reach deep into the body and bring support to otherwise difficult to treat areas.” (

Potential Benefits Include:

  • Increased sensory perception and energy/stamina


  • Pain relief (due to the opioid receptor peptides)


  • Toxin removal/Deep cleanse


  • Clears ‘Panema’ (Negative energy stored in the bodies)


  • Depression and Anxiety Relief


  • Hormone rebalancing


  • Increased fertility and milk supply in women


  • Menstrual Cycle regulation


  • Immune Function and Immune system boost


  • Malaria treatment


  • Diabetes treatment


  • Herpes treatment


  • Hepatitis C treatment



    Lyme Disease treatment 




(Those who should not have Kambo)

  • *HEART DISEASE- this is the number one contraindication of Kambo treatment, including high or low Blood Pressure*


  • Blood clots- current or history of


  • Addison’s Disease


  • Esophageal Veresus


  • Pancreatitis


  • Those taking Immune Suppressors or recently had an organ transplant


  • Those who have had a recent major surgery


  • Those undergoing Chemo or Radiation within 1-3 months


  • Those who are or could be pregnant 


  • Epilepsy


  • Gallstones


  • Schizophrenia


  • Gastric Bypass


  • Vaccine Symptoms 


  • Recent COVID-19


  •  Blood clots 




In some cases Kambo can either help or harm in certain situations (examples: autoimmune diseases, HPV, Gastritis). 


Everybody’s BODY is different and should be treated as such. I was taught to treat PEOPLE not diseases or symptoms. 





$275.00/Initial Session with me. 

This is because we will spend more time going over your health history/experience/intentions, how I work, what to expect etc. 


$200.00/Each Session following initial 


$80.00/ Micro-dosing Session 


I require a $50.00 deposit to secure your scheduled session. Your first cancellation will be refunded if done 48 hours in advance. With cancellations after the first or within 48 hours, the deposit will be non-refundable. I respect my time and energy as well as yours!


Please send payment via one of the following methods:


Venmo: @foxfirehealing

Paypal: @EmilyBoucher

or arrange another payment method

I am able to serve you at my home

or come to your space for an additional travel fee of $50 per hour spent traveling. 


***Please reach out to me directly when scheduling***


You can message through the chat here on my website, call or text me at 603-973-3898 or e-mail me at


How to Prepare:


  • NO FOOD SHOULD BE EATEN within 8-12 hours of your Kambo Session. ONLY SIPS OF WATER leading up to session. Fasting is the best preparation. Eating 8 hours beforehand is the minimum amount of time I will allow and still serve. This is for YOUR benefit, so that your purge is not painful and so that I as a practitioner will not see any food in your purge and mistake for a possible health crisis. 




  • Medication should NOT be taken the day of the Kambo Treatment. If necessary medications can be taken after your session.




  • Caffeine should not be taken the day of the Kambo Session




  • If you have allergies or any other health concerns you are expected to communicate this to me BEFORE you come for your session. You should be prepared for an emergency and have your Epipen, Inhaler or Emergency Medications with you if you use any of those. 




  • If you are sick, please wait until you feel better to schedule your session! Kambo can make the body work hard and if you are already weakened it is not a good time to sit with the medicine.




  • It is a good idea for mothers who are breastfeeding to have pre-pumped milk to allow yourself time to rest when you return to your children and to allow any toxins to continue to flush out of your system before feeding again. 




  • Please bring with you a reusable water bottle (preferably plastic and a 1 liter bottle if possible), comfortable clothing and a change of clothes just in case, your payment if you have not already paid for your session, anything you may need to be comfortable for your sit and to rest afterwards if necessary. 





What to Expect

We should have a conversation prior to our session addressing the following questions:


Have you had Kambo before?


If so, when? How much? And how have your previous sessions gone?


Are you or could you be pregnant?


Will you be on your Moon Cycle during our scheduled session?


Do you have any contraindications listed above or a history of?


Do you ever faint?


Do you have allergies? Epipen? Inhaler/asthma?


As I mentioned above, everybody is different. While many sessions have similarities no two sessions are exactly alike. 


I serve this sacrament sacredly, with much reverence and respect for the Frog. I set an altar with my tools/sacraments and provide a comfortable space for your experience.


I will prepare and hold a safe and sacred space for your Kambo Session until you are recovered and able to continue on with your day. I will support you physically, energetically, spiritually and emotionally. 


I will be there for any questions or comments you have before and after our session as well!


The session itself typically takes around two/two and a half hours from arrival to recovery. 


You will be asked to drink 2 liters of water prior to the medicine application. This is important to help act as an agent to flush out the toxins and bile that the Kambo will be pushing out. 


I will make superficial burns in your skin where the medicine will be applied. These do scar but can be treated with another sacrament called Dragon’s Blood to help the healing and scarring process. 


I will apply the sacrament and help you through your process, confidently.


I may use different tools during the session to help you purge. My tools will be sanitized between all sessions. 


These could be asking you to drink more, smudge (sage, palo santo or tobacco smoke), agua de florida, sananga (eye drops), nunu or hape (sacred tobacco snuffs), music, singing, chakapa (a leaf rattle), drum etc.


My goal is for you to have the smoothest session as possible, while going deep and getting out whatever needs to come!


Purge is expected. Mainly vomiting but also in many other forms such as bowel movements, crying, shaking, mucous etc. There is no shame in any of this- it is the whole point!


I will need to walk you to the bathroom if needed for safety purposes whether you feel strong or not. 


I will be checking in with you periodically throughout the session to keep a gauge on where you are at and how the Kambo is working with you. 



  • DRINK LOTS OF WATER - your body is continuing to flush your system of toxins and the water helps to do this. Please stay hydrated. 




  • Start with something soft and easily digestible to eat after your session when you feel hungry (oatmeal, banana, eggs etc.)




  • Avoid Citrus, spicy (hot or lots of spices), alcohol/drugs and fermented foods the day of and after




  • A headache, swollen or sore throat/face is normal and will continue to go down. In the rare case that it does not, please let me know. Headaches can last 24-48 hours while your body is still flushing toxins out. Staying hydrated is the best thing you can do for this.




  • Mothers I have talked to usually pump and dump breastmilk for a full 24 hours post Kambo and then return to feeding again. 






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